The Coos Bay School Community Foundation was formed in 2007 and is governed by a Board of Directors made up of fourteen voting members. It receives input from the Superintendent of Schools for Coos Bay. The board is guided by a President who is assisted by the rest of the Board. Certain members are assigned roles: Treasurer, Secretary, Grants Coordinator, and Public Relations. The rest of the members take on correspondence duties, awards presentations, and major duties for the annual Spring Fund Raiser Tea, traditionally held at Saint Monica’s Sun Hall in Coos Bay.
Board of Directors: Lisa Amara, Corliss Burgher, Peggy Christensen, Vicki Crumpacker, Cathy Danielson, Nicki Miles, Sue Nowlin, Mary Paczesniak , Arlene Roblan, Candi Runn, Gina Sutherland, Nancy Tedder, President, Jean Trendell, and Superintendent Justin Ainsworth. Have a question? Contact us.