The CBSCF has a goal to Grow the current Endowment Fund. You can help!
We INvite you to get INvolved and INvested
It may seem like one person’s small gift can’t help. Our community is different. We have always been great at pooling together our resources to make real changes in people’s lives. That is what this foundation is all about: coming together to improve our schools, to help our children have amazing experiences and boundless opportunities. You can make that happen!
Gift Giving Opportunities
There are several options regarding how you direct your donation. Most of our donors give to the general fund which supports the annual grants distributed to staff for their various projects/needs.
Some donors contribute to the endowment fund. The endowment is a significant amount of money held in an account by the Oregon Community Foundation. Interest on this account is paid out annually.
Trust funds and memorial endowments are also options.
Contribute in Person: You can support the CBSCF by attending the annual Spring Fundraiser Tea, (April or early May) and make an in-person donation. Here, entertainment is provided by student groups awarded a grant the previous year. The event show cases the kinds of projects and activities donations support. Attendance at the Spring Tea is through invitation. Contact us.
Donate Online: Use the online donation option above. Select where you want your payment to go by using the down arrow.
Send a check to the CBSCF and mail it to: Coos Bay School Community Foundation, P.O. Box 873, Coos Bay, OR 97420.
Establish a provision in your will or trust or make the foundation the benefactor of your retirement plan or life insurance.
Set up a Memorial Foundation to honor a loved one or establish an endowment*. Please contact us to discuss this opportunity more fully.
* Our Foundation works with the Oregon Community Foundation to help families and individuals establish endowments that will benefit the Foundation.
Donors might also be interested in supporting other Marshfield nonprofits such as the MHS Scholarship Program. The CBSCF differs from the MHS Scholarship Program. CBSCF receives donations annually, then distributes the money to staff each year so they may fund projects/programs. This money impacts students in all grade levels and in all disciplines, athletics, arts and activities. The MHS Scholarship Program supports individual students pursuing educational interests beyond high school. Both are very worthy causes. Click here to visit their site.